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Elizabeth Rondthaler Jolley

So worth it!

Dale Favier

Oh, ow!!! I hope it all heals up fast.

But this is a wonderful post :-) Now, how soon after impact did it occur to you that you could write about it?

Jarrett at HumanTransit.org

Dale.  30 seconds.  Does that make me a real writer, or a confirmed hack?  J

Denis Wilson

Hi Jarrett
Glad you hadn't been mugged, or worse.
Lovely report of berry-picking.
And if one is old enough to remember such joyous childhood experiences as berry-picking, one understands the perils of leaping across ditches, and the lack of flexibility which time brings with it.
I enjoyed your report.
Hope you don't ache for a week as a result of your endeavours.

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