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I wonder why you bought it the second time. ;-)



I've just finished Iris Murdoch's 'The Sea The Sea', a nice thick chunky read which is a bit of a page-turner and unpredictable at the very least (and she does have a wonderful way with words) , so not one to leave behind but lug from hotel to hotel, and goodness knows, there's a lot of them coming up. How do you ever know where you are?


Whew. That was one devastating review, Jarrett!


A novel I haven't read has to grab me quick these days. I've been reading novels over again for a while now. I'm not sure I like this because the books are that good or because the second read makes them that good. But when I read a new novel, I don't give it much of a chance to get my attention. I think I'm lazy, impatient. My hat's off to you, reading this whole thing through.

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