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Philip Gleeson

Simply contrasting American to British and Australian usage fails to highlight how idiosyncratic the American usage really is. According to the following wikipedia article, America is one of only 6 countries in the world that use the ordering mm/dd/yyyy and just 4 that do not also use either of the logically ordered formats dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calendar_date

J.D. Hammond

That clearly wasn't a German wondering what the 9th of November could possibly be about.

Ted King

A) My habit, partly for clarity and partly due to working with a large number of non-American customers, is to use a mixed format - 22 Feb 10 or 22 Feb 2010 (period after "Feb" or other month optional). This is similar to the default format in the Oracle DBMS (
). I consider an all number format of any kind to be a problem due to possible ambiguity.

B) There's a subtle sort of pun in our use of "9/11" as shorthand for the attacks of 11 Sept.'01 (formal mode, 11 Sep 01 minimal). Americans use "911" as our standard calling code for emergency services.

Ted King

My apologies. I should have said "This is similar, albeit flipped, ..." at the end of part (A) instead of just "This is similar ...".

[Oracle] YY-MON-DD vs. [DMY] DD Mon YY or DD Mon YYYY

Avoid :

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