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Philip Gleeson

"Hacking our way through a dense, trackless rainforest" sounds so glamourous, and suggestive that we might actually have had a machete. It also seems to just confirm peoples' erroneous ideas of rainforest. I've always found walking through dense rainforests rather pleasant, at least rainforests that are dense in the sense of having a dense canopy, because there tends to be a certain openness in the understorey, borne of the almost total lack of light at ground level. The problem is always pushing through the dense vine and lantana tangles that often gird the periphery of many rainforests, as difficult to penetrate as any well-designed security fence. Still I'm glad you appear to have enjoyed the adventure.

As a coda, I was surprised to find only three leeches when I did my full check on getting home. That said, I counted 15 separate bites on my ankles and around my midriff, some of which continued to bleed onto the bathroom floor even after my shower. If mediaeval-style bloodletting really is a cure all I should be healthy as an ox today.

Philip Gleeson

"Hacking our way through a dense, trackless rainforest" sounds so glamourous, and suggestive that we might actually have had a machete. It also seems to just confirm peoples' erroneous ideas of rainforest. I've always found walking through dense rainforests rather pleasant, at least rainforests that are dense in the sense of having a dense canopy, because there tends to be a certain openness in the understorey, borne of the almost total lack of light at ground level. The problem is always pushing through the dense vine and lantana tangles that often gird the periphery of many rainforests, as difficult to penetrate as any well-designed security fence. Still I'm glad you appear to have enjoyed the adventure.

As a coda, I was surprised to find only three leeches when I did my full check on getting home. That said, I counted 15 separate bites on my ankles and around my midriff, some of which continued to bleed onto the bathroom floor even after my shower. If mediaeval-style bloodletting really is a cure all I should be healthy as an ox today.


:-) okay, let's have the universal peace, man!


Shit. We missed it. We were asleep.

Tell us what happened!


In the weird space of geek-astrologic convergence, on Friday the 13th, 2009 at 11:31:30pm UTC UNIX time reached 1,234,567,890.


Miss Bliss

The problem with the Age of Aquarius is that if you are living it chances are you won't notice the moment when it arrives due to being excessively stoned...which isn't a bad way to ring in said age in my opinion even if I can't actually join in myself.

Good morning starshine...Sabba sibbi sabba nooby aba naba...


Jarrett, I don't understand what it is we missed. Doesn't an age last ....well, an age?



Phil. I understand about "hacking," but could not find a word with similar dramatic heft that means "hacking, but without a machete ..."

Teresa ... We only missed the dawning, I think. The age itself is whatever this is.

Thanks for the comments, all!


How about "thrashing" your way through the .....?


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