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Denis Wilson

Hi Jarrett
The asymmetry of Eucalypts troubled our early settlers. Even the artists did not learn to draw them (as they are) until the second generation, or even much later - Hans Heysen.
That's why our early settlers loved the Norfolk Island Pines, and other native Aurucarias, and even native Palms, as they looked like "proper trees" to them. On the South Coast, the farm lands still have tall stands of Cabbage Tree Palms, which they left (did not cut down), because they looked "familiar" to their European eyes, as palms from Africa have been grown in Europe for thousands of years.
Having been a guide in the Botanic Gardens in Canberra, many American visitors could not understand what appears to be "naked trunks" of the smooth barked Gums. I guess if one grew up with pines, and elms and oaks, then Angophoras and Scribbly Gums do look naked. Another aspect of their strangeness.


God, I love what you write. No one else does anything quite like it.

Teresa Gilman

Yes. Through three cheese trees/three free fleas flew./While these fleas flew,/freezy breeze blew.....

Jarrett, I love your observation of the earth thoughts. There is some kind of a tree that grows around here that late in the summer begins to grow something that makes it end up looking like smoke. Like the tree is all smoke.

I'll have to find out what it is now.

Thanks for your interesting writing as usual.


Miss Bliss

Sigh. Eucalyptus always reminds me of C-mont and the year the winds were so wild and they all fell over.


Thanks for the comments, all.

Denis, yes that's a post in itself. I'll do a post on symmetry at some point, or maybe just quote yours.

Teresa, I'm glad I can trust you to have some of the Seuss canon committed to memory.

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