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Teresa Gilman

A wonderful post, Jarrett. I'm there. I was especially interested in your view of (take on) being in a place where you felt you didn't belong. I wonder how many people (Americans especially) would even be aware of such a thing. [When I travel I try to be unobtrusive most of the time, but every now and then I'm hit by a wave of rebellion, and I deliberately do things so American I stick out (jaywalk in Canada, eat in the streets in London, etc.) because I get fed up with symbolically apologizing for being a USA citizen.]

The photographs you've included are intriguing and I found myself going back to click them larger over and over again. How long were you there altogether? You seem to have done a lot.

Thanks for this post.



This Indian series is really turning out well. Somehow I feel you're missing your calling as a travel writer.


I've lived in Chennai for 20 years now, and I'm not tall (or bald), but I still have / will always have conflicts about looking too closely at certain parts of the city, about the wealth that I represent, about sentimentalizing poverty. It's a country where it's hard to be comfortable about one's comfortable life. It's worth it, though.


This is beautifully observed, beautifully written, beautifully photographed. Thank you.

gautami tripathy

And I live in Delhi. Have done so since 1972. Looking at it from your point of view, I see it all in a new way.

As for as hawkers go, we the locals too can't escape them!


Thanks for the comments. I was in Delhi for a little over two weeks. With luck, I have one or two more posts in me on the topic.


A wonderful post. Thank you. It feels as if I caught a small glimpse of the city's heart.


My fondest memories of touring France as a teenage was -- now I have a word for it -- as a flaneur.

A wonderful post. It sounds like Delhi is part Paris and part London.


Montreal and Vancouver are also great for flaneuring! (Love that term by the way)

holyland tours

I never forget my trip to Delhi and reading your post just made wanting to go back on a trip to that amazing place. Especially I loved to shop on the markets and see the historical sites. Glad everything thorned good on you.


I lived in Kotla Mubarakpur 10 years back, but now moved to London living a completely different life. Guud to read ur experience.

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