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What a post. I''m with you (and the convict), quite subject to the sights and (especially) sounds. Then I love what you do in the last two paragraphs. This run draws and repels, affirms life and threatens death, so well. The man seems to be running from himself, ultimately, or at least from the unmasking of it.

Teresa Gilman

Wonderful writing! Wonderful! Running for your life. Drawing in all the sounds as you go, breathing your last. Breathing at last.




Bonta always says that good blog posts come in streaks, like a gambler's luck. I guess so. This one, like the last one, is magnificent.


Absolutely astonishing writing. I love the part about you agreeing with the convict about how the forest is taunting you. Very awesome work. I felt as though I was there with you.

Barbara Love

It's is a very good post. It show's and helps to understand that people always seem to run from there prolbems to make them better but, not really it just makes them worse most of the time. the tredmill was a neat way of putting it all together. most of the time we don't have the engery to move fast so we end up thinking everything is coming to us and that's not the case. it's all in our heads.

Crafty Green Poet

I love the atmosphere you've created here, the sense of an alien landscape

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